The Holy Bible

“The Bible contains the mind of God; the state of man; the way of salvation. It’s doctrines are holy; its precepts are binding; its records are true. Read it to be wise; believe it to be safe; and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you; food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.

It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword, the Christian’s charter. Christ is its grand object, our good its design, and the redemption of man it’s end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it over and over until it is ineffaceably stamped upon the memory and embedded in the heart.” – (from an advertisement from 1933)

In an effort to help spread the Holy Bible of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, we have provided copies of the Bible in multiple languages. We hope this assists you in your greater understanding of God, his Son Jesus Christ, and his Holy Word.

If you find a problem with any of the translations, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns, thank-you.