The Christian founding principles of America are under attack, quite possibly, like never before. The radical Left, which has pretty much eaten the entire Democratic Party, has worked in conjunction with BigMedia, BigTech, and anarchist groups like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA to silence any views and opinions that they deem aren’t “woke” enough. Dissenting views of the Left are met with straight out violence, yet spin themselves as victims. We live in a fallen world and the middle ground is fading fast. Despite the Left’s media coverage and loud voices, they are not the majority of Americans. Remember that.

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”
– Thomas Jefferson


Biden Administration Making Lists of Religious Vaccine Objectors, and Hiding the Facts With Fear

From the Daily Signal: A tiny administrative agency in the District of Columbia announced a new policy Tuesday that will likely serve as a model for a whole-of-government push to assemble lists of Americans who object on religious grounds to a COVID-19 vaccine. The Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia—a federal independent...

Faceless ‘Catholic Robot’ Designed to Help People Pray Put on Display in Polish Church

This is clearly a gateway to AI religious leaders. This should frighten every Christian. From Life Site News: A short British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) documentary published last Saturday shows people of different religions, and in various parts of the world, interacting with robots or computer programs designed to deliver sermons, give...

United Airlines Pilot Leads COVID Revolt, Files Medical Freedom Lawsuit With 2,000 Fellow Workers

John-Henry Westen interviews Capt. Sherry Walker, published on the Life Site News: Captain Sherry Walker, a 30-year pilot, is the co-founder of Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF), started up to represent and support nearly 4000 airline industry workers to push back COVID jab mandates in their workplace. LifeSite has launched a LifeFunder...

BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Whistleblower Says Vaccine ‘Glows,’ Contains Toxic Luciferase, Graphene Oxide Compounds

Melissa Strickler, a Christian, tells Jim Hale in an exclusive LifeSite interview that Pfizer's jab includes toxic chemicals, after having just been fired by Pfizer. Donate to help her at From Life Site News: Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine vials glow fluorescent blue and contain an enzyme called Luciferase, a quality inspector for the drug...

Bring the Comedy and the Constitution Tour to Your Community

Looking for alternatives to the morally bankrupt choices on Netflix for your family and your kids? Here is one alternative to a night out at the theater. Check out the Comedy & Constitution Tour. From the Patriot Academy: Freedom is not a boring subject…especially when comedian Brad Stine is in the mix! This one...

‘8 Principles of God’s Loving Provision For His People,’ a Sermon by Pastor Paul Scheperle of Lifestream Church

As Christians we are facing challenging times today where we must pray and lean on the Lord for strength, maybe in ways we have never had to before. I came across a very inspiring sermon message by Pastor Paul Scheperle of Lifestream Church in Washington, Missouri. With what is facing our countries...

JD Farag Receives Stories of People Suffering From Being Near Those With the Covid-19 Vaccines

Pastor JD Farag has received hundreds of letters on how God has had a direct effect some peoples' lives in a group of videos called "But God." While reading some of those letter he also read some letter from people who have had serious side effects from taking the Covid-19 vaccines. Here...

Are We on the Verge of the End of Days and Jesus Christ’s Return?

The past few years have seen an increasing amount of unprecedented events happening throughout the world, from weather to social unrest to natural disasters. Environmentalist are quick to blame Climate Change in an effort to push their carbon credit system and gain more control over the populations' lives. However, Climate Change does not and cannot...

Christians, There’s a Reason You Keep Having the Same Conversation With the Culture

From NottheBee: Here it is. This is the perfect encapsulation of the mind-numbing frustration so many of us Christians feel these days when engaging a wayward and rebellious culture: Man: I want to do "x." Christian: You are free to do it. Man: But you think "x" is wrong. Christian: Yes. Man: Because you want to control me...

Covid-19 numbers are down, vaccines are out yet churches are continued to be locked down

The attack of the freedoms of people wanting to practice their faith is increasingly getting worse in countries around the world like the UK & Ireland. This same trend is also spreading closer to home like Canada and even California. If people do not stand up to this forced attack on Christian worship services now,...

The Left’s Push to Define Christians as Haters is a False Flag

The Christian principles have been found through out the laws and culture of America since its beginning, from freeing slaves to fighting for the freedom of other peoples suffering under tyranny. To believe that Christianity is a source of racism and hate is the Left's attempt to redefine what the word "hate" actually means, while...