The Founders of the Unites States of America believed in the Christian tenets of Freedom which is entitled to all mankind. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Sadly, today, our freedoms are becoming a casualty in an information war which we are losing. Only in educating ourselves and others on the exceptional freedoms established in the U.S. Constitution can we hope to save our republic in the image in which the Founding Fathers knew was possible, the most free and prosperous nation in human history.


Learn the significance of American citizenship and the threats it faces today

We have forgotten the privilege and honor of American Citizenship. Enroll in this FREE course at Hillsdale College: Citizenship is rare in human history but essential to free government. Today, the constitutional rule of citizens in America is threatened by a new form of government, unaccountable to the people, in which power is held...

Bank Closures and the Convergence of Control

During the Pandemic of 2020 our movements and choices were highly restricted in the U.S. like never before. Select people were allowed to work after being deemed “Essential,” only certain stores were allowed to stay open, and only certain events were allowed to progress. Violent BLM riots were celebrated while churches in some areas were...

Kansas Study Shows Mask Mandates Contributed to Covid-19 Deaths, as Mask Mandates are Returning Over Monkeypox

Common sense would tell you that if someone had a respiratory virus or disease, they would need MORE fresh air and oxygen and not LESS. Sadly, that common sense evaded those in government who declared mask mandates and backed up by the Media. Unfortunately, it took a recent study out of Kansas to quantify what...

All Roads Lead to an ESG-Driven Great Reset World Where You Own Nothing, Not Even Your Own Money

The threat of the Great Reset has been looming for the past few years, and I have written about this in great length as a problem/solution primer you should really check out if you have not. The article is called "How the Covid-19 Pandemic is a Smokescreen For BlackRock’s Plan to Collapse...

Canada’s Justin Trudeau Stoops to Tyrannical Thief of Money From the Freedom Convoy Truckers Protesters

From the Daily Wire: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act on Monday in an effort to crack down on protesters that have shut down parts of Ottawa and various border crossings with the U.S. Trudeau informed his cabinet and Canada’s premiers of his intent Monday morning. The prime minister’s announcement marks...

The Freedom Fighters, the Freedom Convoy and the Canadian Tyranny the Media Doesn’t Want You to See

Some have said over the years, if you want to see what the U.S. would look like if it was run by liberals just look at Canada. It is true that Canada has been further done the road to tyranny than that of the U.S., but when you look at states like California and New...

Australians Protest at Canberra Against Covid-19 Vaccine and Mask Mandates and to Restore the Australian Commonwealth

As Americans, we should wholeheartedly support any country and its people longing to be free from tyranny. Today, Turning Point Australia hosted what is described as an "Amazing Speech" given by Graham Hood at Protest Canberra, outside Old Parliament on Feb. 5th, 2022. This is not only a protest against the dictated...

FOX News Joins Major Fake News Networks (CNN, NBC, CBS) in Ignoring New ‘2000 Mules’ Movie Exposing the Evidence 2020 POTUS Election Was Stolen

The usually Conservative acceptable alternative to the wildly liberal bias networks of CNN and NBC, FOX News, has shown themselves to be just as untrustworthy and not deserving of trust of the public it has enjoyed for so long. Dinesh D'Souza's new movie "2000 Mules" highlights gathered evidence on...

Planet Lockdown: a Revolutionary Call For the Return to Medical Freedom

This documentary is a definitive study on the Covid-19 pandemic and how it has been monopolized by government officials and pharmaceutical companies to create a medical subscription mandate for freedom, contingent on maintaining booster injection status. This film also makes the case for the return to freedoms stolen and perpetuated by fear. This heavily censored...

China’s Nightmarish New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

"University of Wisconsin Scientists have made exogenous, naked DNA and injected it into veins for easy access into muscle cells for gene therapy. By combining this knowledge and particle-gun technology, we could create a microbullet out of a 1-um tungsten or gold ion, on whose surface plasmid DNA or naked DNA could be precipitated and...

How the Covid-19 Pandemic is a Smokescreen For BlackRock’s Plan to Collapse the U.S. Economy With Help by the U.S. Federal Reserve and Force Worldwide Digital Currency

Most media and governments have been referring to "the Great Reset" without actually getting into what might be involved in this large expected transition. Some refer to it as a shift to solely digital transactions, while others refer to a societal evolution where private property owners (everything from phones to cars to housing) are owned...

JUSTICE DENIED! Supreme Court Again Upholds COVID Vaccine Mandates – U.S. Veterans Prepare for War – U.S. Soldiers Speak Out: “America Is Under Attack, Prepare Yourself Now”

From Life Impact News: For the third time this year, the U.S. Supreme Court has denied a motion to halt mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, this time declining to block a vaccine requirement imposed on Maine health care workers. The Associated Press reports: The U.S. Supreme Court declined Tuesday to block a vaccine requirement imposed...

DHS Insider Who Exposed ‘Reasonable Fear’ Migrant Asylum Loophole Goes PUBLIC

From Project Veritas: Aaron Stevenson, DHS Insider and Intelligence Research Specialist for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: “An email sent out by the Director of USCIS, which notified us about a rule change coming forward, is going to shift the adjudicative authority of defensive asylum away from immigration judges and giving it...

135 Republicans Vote With Democrats To Advance ‘Red Flag’ Gun Confiscation Bill As Part Of NDAA

From the National File:

This morning the United States House of Representatives voted to advance legislation that will allow police to confiscate firearms of individuals believed to be a threat to themselves or others, known as Red Flag Laws, that became highly controversial during the Trump administration due to fears they would be...

Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals Regarding Afghanistan

After the disastrous and preventable pull-out of our U.S. forces from Afghanistan by the Joints Chiefs and the Biden Administration, the group Flag Officers for America began a revised Open Letter addressing the failures of military leadership to our troops, civilians, and even our Allies in our leaving of Afghanistan. This is their Open Letter: The...

How the Left Plans To Put Boots on the Ground to Subdue Middle America

Though many of these increasingly crime-ridden blue cities have fallen victim to the domestic terrorist groups of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, eventual they will target suburbia and the rural areas of MidAmerica. It is naive to think otherwise. We must put all our energies in securing our local areas; our law enforcement, our schools,...

The Naked Communist: 45 Communist Goals

On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.” These principles are well worth revisiting today in order to gain insights into the thinking and strategies of much of...

The Wokest Place on Earth

Disney mounts an internal campaign against “white privilege” and organizes racially- segregated “affinity groups.”

Investigative journalist, Christopher F. Rufo, has come out with an amazingly eye-opening article about leaked documents from Disney's corporate office, forcing its employees to undergo Critical Race Theory training with added encouragement upon its white employees. From "The Wokest Place...

Mexican Drug Cartels Make More Money From Human Trafficking Than From Drugs

The Biden Administration and the BigMedia have done their best to hide the fact that the southern U.S. border is in a full blown crisis of historic proportions. According to estimates from Customs & Border Protection, human traffickers have raked in a total of $411.5 million in February shuffling people from Mexico and Central America...

Covid-19 numbers are down, vaccines are out yet churches are continued to be locked down

The attack of the freedoms of people wanting to practice their faith is increasingly getting worse in countries around the world like the UK & Ireland. This same trend is also spreading closer to home like Canada and even California. If people do not stand up to this forced attack on Christian worship services now,...