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Covid19, News, Videos

Professor Thomas Borody Finds Great Success With Ivermectin, Doxycycline and Zinc in Treating Covid-19

Professor Thomas Borody, is famous for curing peptic ulcers using a triple...

Covid19, News

Ivermectin Hugely Successful in Fighting Covid-19 in India, FDA Lies About Its Effectiveness

From the Gateway Pundit: The 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh,...

Covid19, Quick-Hits

Texas Doctor Accused of Spreading COVID-19 ‘Misinformation’ Slaps Hospital With Lawsuit

From FOX News: A Houston doctor previously...

Covid19, News, Videos

Military Documents About ‘Gain of Function’ Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath

From Project Veritas: The documents in question stem from a...

Covid19, News, Videos

Shocking Audio Tapes Prove Hospitals are Actively Mistreating Sick COVID Patients

The John-Henry Westen Show presents shocking audio of doctors mistreating and refusing...

Covid19, News, Videos

BioTech Whistleblower, Kieran Morrissey, Warns of Marburg Virus Vaccine Being Fast-Tracked For New Pandemic

Kieran Morrissey is an Engineer with a degree in Industrial Chemistry who...

Covid19, News, Videos

Interview With Dr. Peter McCullough, COVID-19 Vaccines Now Have the Highest Death Rate of Any Vaccines in History

Dr. Peter McCullough is a huge wealth of information on Covid-19, the...