A Comparison of Official Government Reports Suggest the Fully Vaccinated are Developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Much Faster Than Anticipated, While Facebook and Instagram Censors the Facts

From the Expose UK: Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid -19 cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-79 year olds have lost 44% of their immune system capability. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 3.8% and 9.1%). If this continues then 30-59 year olds will have zero...

Covid19 Vaccinated Deaths Increase Worldwide as Mandates by Countries and Companies Increase With Shots or Dangerous PCR Swap Testing

Evidence Clearly Shows Deaths are Increasing Worldwide After COVID-19 Shots

Deaths are increasing with children and the vaccinated around the world as many countries and companies double down on madatory vaccinations.

COVID Nasal Swabs Examined by Scientists Reveal DANGER

From Principia Scientific: In a follow up to our December article that PCR swabs may be...

JUSTICE DENIED! Supreme Court Again Upholds COVID Vaccine Mandates – U.S. Veterans Prepare for War – U.S. Soldiers Speak Out: “America Is Under Attack, Prepare Yourself Now”

From Life Impact News: For the third time this year, the U.S. Supreme Court has denied a motion to halt mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, this time declining to block a vaccine requirement imposed on Maine health care workers. The Associated Press reports: The U.S. Supreme Court declined Tuesday to block a vaccine requirement imposed...

Israeli Ministry of Health Deleted Thousands of covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Testimonies From Website

This video details on how Israel citizens weren't given a place to post adverse events, so there were none. When they finally posted a link, the Israeli Ministry of Health was overwhelmed with postings. So the government started DELETING THE POSTS so the vaccine would not look as deadly. The people responded by re-posting their...

‘You Are Hereby Reprimanded!’ Airman Told to Begin Separation Due to Vaccine Refusal

From Defense One: An airman with the 319th Reconnaissance Wing has been directed to begin separating from the military over his refusal to take the Covid-19 vaccine. “You are hereby reprimanded!” the commander of the Grand Forks, North Dakota-based unit wrote Oct. 3 in a letter of reprimand obtained by Defense One. “You...

BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Whistleblower Says Vaccine ‘Glows,’ Contains Toxic Luciferase, Graphene Oxide Compounds

Melissa Strickler, a Christian, tells Jim Hale in an exclusive LifeSite interview that Pfizer's jab includes toxic chemicals, after having just been fired by Pfizer. Donate to help her at  LifeFunder.com/PfizerMelissa From Life Site News: Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine vials glow fluorescent blue and contain an enzyme called Luciferase, a quality inspector for the drug...

Spanish Court Rules That Covid’s a Hoax and Orders Government To Come Clean and Admit the Truth

Ministry of Health in Spain Admits That Their Court Ruled That the Covid-19 Virus Has Never Been Isolated or Confirmed by a Viral Culture

THIS IS BIG! From SonofEnos: When push came to shove, the Spanish government was forced to confess that the Covid "Virus" has never been isolated, so the court ruled that...

Pilots Issue Warning Against Vaxx Mandates: “We have all the Control – Aircraft Will Stop Moving”

From Health Impact New: Pilot Joshua Yoder, who is the co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers that recently produced a video that we published, appeared as a guest on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox this week. He made sure to explain that he and his group would never endorse a strike or "sick out"...

Canadian ER Doctor: At Least 80% of Patients Double Vaxxed – Quits Job Over Vaccine Mandate

From Health Impact News: Gary Sims is the President and CEO of Grey Bruce Health Services Hospital in Ontario, Canada. In August they had an online “Town Hall” meeting regarding staff and mandatory vaccinations. Mr. Sims was bemoaning the fact that the unvaccinated were filling the hospitals, and that this Fall they were going...

Covid-19 Vaccines Victims Are Beginning to Be Heard From the UK, Australia, and Israel As the Numbers of Side Effects and Deaths Pile Up

The UK, Australia, and Israel have been some of the most vaccinated countries on the earth. Unfortunately, many stories are surfacing of the severe and even deathly results of taking the Covid-19 vaccines. These sad stories are heart wrenching but these voices need to be heard and shared. --- The damage done to those who have taken...