“Spartacus Letter” Warns of the Covid-19 Vaccines and How We Must All Resist the Tyranny Of Passports and Mandates

A very inspiring letter has surfaced by an author who refers to himself as Spartacus, known as the "Spartacus Letter." Here is an excerpt from that letter: The vaccines for COVID-19 are not sterilizing and do not prevent infection or transmission. They are “leaky” vaccines. This means they remove the evolutionary pressure on...

Thousands of Physicians in Rome, Italy Issue the ‘Rome Declaration’ Against the Covid-19 Vaccines at Summit

This is the Rome Declaration from the Physicians Declaration Global Covid Summit - Rome, Italy. If you are a healthcare provider, PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION! International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists - September, 2021 We the physicians of the world, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the profession of medicine as we know it is...

Pfizer Whistleblower LEAKS Execs Emails EXPOSING Suppression of Covid Vax Info From Public

Pfizer Whistleblower LEAKS Execs Emails EXPOSING Suppression of Covid Vax Info From Public

A new video from Project Veritas dropped with a Pfizer whistleblower exposing Covid-19 vaccine info being suppressed from the public: Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer Insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives...

Dr. Michael McDowell Warns Covid-19 Was Engineered and the Vaccines are Causing “Death Spirals” Around the World

Dr. Michael McDowell lays out the evidence that Covid-19 (SARS-Covid2) was not only engineered with assistance by labs in the U.S., but also funded jointly by China and the U.S. He also described on how the genetically-altering  Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous and causing frightening "death spirals" in countries like Trinidad and Tobago. The data from...

Dr. Nathan Thompson Shows Covid-19 Vaccines Causing Autoimmune Damage in Patient After Antibodies Testing

Dr. Nathan Thompson tested the antibodies of a patient before and after getting the Covid-19 Vaccine and shows how the shot resulting in severely damaging his patient's immune system. He follows with the question, is this is breakout variants we see, people getting sick because the immune system is gone? From his video: Please...

Dr. Ardis interviews Dr. Simone Gold, MD – Founder of America’s Frontline Doctors

MUST WATCH!!! Dr. Gold gives breaking news about legal actions being taken to protect US Military personnel from the effects of the jab. The data presented is concerning, if not shocking! Everyone should understand this information in an effort to help Dr. Gold, America's Front Line Doctors and Dr. Ardis save lives! Dr....

The Secret Battle of Women, Fertility, and the Covid-19 Vaccines

There is a secret battle going on behind the shadows of Covid-19 and the vaccine push, and women and children are at the forefront. So many aspects to the Covid-19 vaccines have been under reported, mis-reported, or have been outright lies presented by the Media, government officials, and sadly even doctors who should know better....

BioTech Whistleblower, Kieran Morrissey, Warns of Marburg Virus Vaccine Being Fast-Tracked For New Pandemic

Kieran Morrissey is an Engineer with a degree in Industrial Chemistry who has worked the past 22 yrs at a major teaching hospital in Dublin, Ireland, and gained a great deal of experience with the Irish healthcare system. Morrissey's research discovered a medical research report called New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and...

JD Farag Receives Stories of People Suffering From Being Near Those With the Covid-19 Vaccines

Pastor JD Farag has received hundreds of letters on how God has had a direct effect some peoples' lives in a group of videos called "But God." While reading some of those letter he also read some letter from people who have had serious side effects from taking the Covid-19 vaccines. Here...