DHS Insider Who Exposed ‘Reasonable Fear’ Migrant Asylum Loophole Goes PUBLIC

From Project Veritas: Aaron Stevenson, DHS Insider and Intelligence Research Specialist for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: “An email sent out by the Director of USCIS, which notified us about a rule change coming forward, is going to shift the adjudicative authority of defensive asylum away from immigration judges and giving it...

BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Whistleblower Says Vaccine ‘Glows,’ Contains Toxic Luciferase, Graphene Oxide Compounds

Melissa Strickler, a Christian, tells Jim Hale in an exclusive LifeSite interview that Pfizer's jab includes toxic chemicals, after having just been fired by Pfizer. Donate to help her at  LifeFunder.com/PfizerMelissa From Life Site News: Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine vials glow fluorescent blue and contain an enzyme called Luciferase, a quality inspector for the drug...

Bring the Comedy and the Constitution Tour to Your Community

Looking for alternatives to the morally bankrupt choices on Netflix for your family and your kids? Here is one alternative to a night out at the theater. Check out the Comedy & Constitution Tour. From the Patriot Academy: Freedom is not a boring subject…especially when comedian Brad Stine is in the mix! This one...

Spanish Court Rules That Covid’s a Hoax and Orders Government To Come Clean and Admit the Truth

Ministry of Health in Spain Admits That Their Court Ruled That the Covid-19 Virus Has Never Been Isolated or Confirmed by a Viral Culture

THIS IS BIG! From SonofEnos: When push came to shove, the Spanish government was forced to confess that the Covid "Virus" has never been isolated, so the court ruled that...

Pilots Issue Warning Against Vaxx Mandates: “We have all the Control – Aircraft Will Stop Moving”

From Health Impact New: Pilot Joshua Yoder, who is the co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers that recently produced a video that we published, appeared as a guest on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox this week. He made sure to explain that he and his group would never endorse a strike or "sick out"...

Canadian ER Doctor: At Least 80% of Patients Double Vaxxed – Quits Job Over Vaccine Mandate

From Health Impact News: Gary Sims is the President and CEO of Grey Bruce Health Services Hospital in Ontario, Canada. In August they had an online “Town Hall” meeting regarding staff and mandatory vaccinations. Mr. Sims was bemoaning the fact that the unvaccinated were filling the hospitals, and that this Fall they were going...

Covid-19 Vaccines Victims Are Beginning to Be Heard From the UK, Australia, and Israel As the Numbers of Side Effects and Deaths Pile Up

The UK, Australia, and Israel have been some of the most vaccinated countries on the earth. Unfortunately, many stories are surfacing of the severe and even deathly results of taking the Covid-19 vaccines. These sad stories are heart wrenching but these voices need to be heard and shared. --- The damage done to those who have taken...

‘8 Principles of God’s Loving Provision For His People,’ a Sermon by Pastor Paul Scheperle of Lifestream Church

As Christians we are facing challenging times today where we must pray and lean on the Lord for strength, maybe in ways we have never had to before. I came across a very inspiring sermon message by Pastor Paul Scheperle of Lifestream Church in Washington, Missouri. With what is facing our countries...

U.S. Attorney General Garland’s Push for Critical Race Theory Into Our Schools, While Secretly Helping His Family’s Education Literature Business

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland accused parents standing up for honest, non-propagandized education in their child's school to be free from the corrosive Critical Race Theory to be considered in the same vein as 'domestic terrorists.' Garland directed the F.B.I. to mobilize against parents actively speaking out against CRT. This set a very frightful precedent...

“Spartacus Letter” Warns of the Covid-19 Vaccines and How We Must All Resist the Tyranny Of Passports and Mandates

A very inspiring letter has surfaced by an author who refers to himself as Spartacus, known as the "Spartacus Letter." Here is an excerpt from that letter: The vaccines for COVID-19 are not sterilizing and do not prevent infection or transmission. They are “leaky” vaccines. This means they remove the evolutionary pressure on...