Australian Vaccination-Risks Network (AVN) Gains Judicial Review Against Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) in Australian Federal Court Over Covid-19 Vaccines’ Injuries and Deaths
Today, Feb. 2, 2022, the Australian Vaccination-risks Network, Inc. (AVN) filed a Judicial Review case in the Federal Court of Australia of AVN vs. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) asking the court to order Dr Brendan Murphy, Secretary of the Department of Health, to keep his obligations to follow the science and cancel or suspend the provisional approval for all experimental COVID-19 vaccines. Peter Fam of Maat’s Method Solicitors filed the pleadings along with a large amount of affidavits of dozens of peer-reviewed and pre-printed studies proving the damage caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. They urgently seek a hearing date as the mandates and damage from the vaccines continue in Australia.
From the AVN website:
We would like to ask everyone reading this to take a moment to send a quick and polite message to the registry requesting that this case be livestreamed on the Court’s YouTube channel due to the national and international public interest in this case. One or two sentences will be all you need. The court email is
Below are links to each uploaded document which you are free to download and/or read online. We are committed to transparency.
Please note – we have uploaded the files as they were sent to the Federal Court Registry. As soon as we have received the sealed copies, we will replace these uploads with the official sealed copies.Affidavit of Lisa Mitchell, with annexures, signed 31 January 2022
Affidavit of Meryl Dorey, with annexures, signed 29 January 2022
Affidavit of Peter Halim Fam, with annexures, signed 31 January 2022
Genuine Steps Statement 31 January 2022, signed
Originating Application, 31 January 2022
AVN Press Release Announcing filing in Federal Court
Peter Fam explains the significance of this filing and the work involved to get to this point in the video below:
ANV stipulates that the Australian government, namely the Secretary of the Department of Health Dr. Brendan Murphy, has acted against the dictates of the Precautionary Principle of the NIH and have failed their responsibility in protecting the health and safety of the Australian people. Retired Barrister Julian Gillespie and author of the original brief stated “Over recent decades, an average of 2.4 people have died and approximately 3,500 injuries were reported every 12 months from all conventional licensed vaccines.” “Yet in less than 12 months since COVID injections began, 755 deaths and 104,236 injuries have been reported.”
Julian was interviewed by Maria Zee in the video “Julian Gillespie – AVN Judicial Review to Stop Vaccines in Australia“:
Julian also explains to us how our government is lying about the number of deaths in our country (both from COVID-19 and vaccines), the shadow body really calling the shots behind the rollout, discoveries about how many injuries we are really seeing in Australia and around the world, and more.
“These vaccines go crazy once they are inside your body.”
As described by Julian, the TGA refused to pull the safety data and ignored the adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines when safety became an issue. Some of the evidence which will be presented in the case is numerous reports by RN’s witnessing doctors refusing to report Covid-19 vaccines adverse side effects. There have also been an enormous shortage of autopsies performed after 2,200 patients have died ‘from Covid-19’ or ‘with Covid-19.’ This will be a monumental case and is only the beginning. See for updates on the case and for ways to you donate to their legal fund.
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