Are We on the Verge of the End of Days and Jesus Christ’s Return?

The past few years have seen an increasing amount of unprecedented events happening throughout the world, from weather to social unrest to natural disasters. Environmentalist are quick to blame Climate Change in an effort to push their carbon credit system and gain more control over the populations' lives. However, Climate Change does not and cannot...

U.S. Military Members Reporting Reactions and Death From Covid-19 Vaccines, Nurses Tell Why They Refuse to Get Vaccinated

Wildly disturbing numbers of U.S. military servicemen and women have been reporting severe side effects and allergic reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines. Some of those service members which have had these severe and fatal reactions are as follows, courtesy of The Empowerer: Brooke is an active duty military member...

Pfizer’s Twice-Daily Pill Subscription and the Covid-19 Virus That Wasn’t There

Pfizer now has a twice-daily Covid-19 pill in late stage testing which they are so excited to start pushing down people's throats, that they have started production of the pills before the end of clinical trials. From their Press Release on the new clinical trial: The randomized, double-blind trial will enroll approximately 1,140...

Sample Letter For Employees Being Forced to Take Covid-19 Vaccines

The following is a Sample Letter which can be presented to an employer requiring an employee to take the Covid-19 Vaccines in order to retain their employment, courtesy of America's Frontline Doctors, Gary Kohls, MD: A SAMPLE LETTER TO BE SENT TO EMPLOYERS WHO ARE ILLOGICALLY CONSIDERING MANDATING EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES FOR THEIR...

Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals Regarding Afghanistan

After the disastrous and preventable pull-out of our U.S. forces from Afghanistan by the Joints Chiefs and the Biden Administration, the group Flag Officers for America began a revised Open Letter addressing the failures of military leadership to our troops, civilians, and even our Allies in our leaving of Afghanistan. This is their Open Letter: The...

COVID Shots Linked to 2 Million Injuries, 21,766 Deaths in Europe, EU Reports

From LifeSiteNews: The EnduraVigilance system is the EU-wide database for recording vaccine injury reports, as well as other medicine-induced injuries, corresponding to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), jointly run by both the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to a report in Health Impact News, a service that has provided tabulated versions...

Oxford University Study Exposes That Vaccinated People Carry 251 Times the COVID-19 Virus Load Than Unvaccinated

Some discussion among medical professionals and researchers is starting to surface showing that it is actually vaccinated people who are the 'superspreaders.' From the Defender: A groundbreaking preprint paper (PDF) by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, includes alarming findings devastating...

Why Are ‘Industrial Hygienists’ Never Interviewed by the Media on Mask Effectiveness Against Covid-19?

Why hasn't the Media or any government administration had an Industrial Hygienist on their teams? Never heard of that title? Its not by accident. OSHA describes them as: Industrial hygiene has been defined as “that science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors...

The Elimination of the Covid-19 Control Group, and Unanswered Questions of Its Vaccines

This article is not about all the conspiracy theories floating out there, and there are a few. The attempt of this article is to offer a pragmatic look at the medical and research reports out there on the Covid-19 vaccines, their ingredients, and their reported and observed side effects and uses. Major media used to...