Planet Lockdown: a Revolutionary Call For the Return to Medical Freedom

This documentary is a definitive study on the Covid-19 pandemic and how it has been monopolized by government officials and pharmaceutical companies to create a medical subscription mandate for freedom, contingent on maintaining booster injection status. This film also makes the case for the return to freedoms stolen and perpetuated by fear. This heavily censored...

Covid-19 Vaccine Producers and Healthcare Agencies Continue to Conceal Their Corruption as the Deadly Physical Evidence Mounts

A handful of countries around the world are starting to wake up to the deadly dangers that the Covid-19 vaccines have been causing on their people, especially the most vulnerable among us like those with chronic health problems, the elderly, and children. The reports of heart problems and other various diseases have surfaced with many...

New Zealand and Other Countries Set to Continue ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ With Their Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates, Ignoring Criminal Investigation in Hammersmith UK

As the Covid-19 vaccine criminal investigation in the Hammersmith community of London in the UK continues to gain traction, other countries are doubling down on the Covid-19 vaccine mandates ignoring the cries by thousands that the vaccines are dangerous. One such country instituting these heavy mandates which involve the imprisoning of the...

DARPA Papers Prove Covid19 Virus is a Bioweapon and Fauci and Others From Eco Health Alliance Made Millions of Dollars

Karen Kingston reviews the DARPA documents and follows the money and proving Fauci lied about the transmissibility of Covid-19, and has funded millions into gain-of-function research. Fauci has also worked with Dr. Peter Daszak with the a project called "Defuse." Information on that project can be found at: These leaked...

Hammersmith, London, UK CID Begins Criminal Investigation into Covid19 Vaccines With ‘Crimes Against Humanity,’ ICC in Hague Watching Closely

A few days ago a story broke that Hammersmith, London in the UK is launching a criminal investigation into the Covid-19 vaccines. The following video has Officer Steve Winn being informed of the launching of the investigation and given the directive to begin closing down Covid-19 vaccine center around Hammersmith, according to Sec. 3 of...

COVID Shots Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease in Young People, With Links to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and ALS Disease – Dr. Stephanie Seneff

Laura Ingraham interviews MIT Dr. Stephanie Seneff on FOX News about the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccines on young people and the longterm effects of the spike proteins leading to neurological diseases. From Red Voice Media: Senior Research Scientist at MIT, Stephanie Seneff, not only warned about the potential side effects of giving...

Manufactured Medical Supply Shortages by a Corrupt Purchasing System Create Dangerous Conditions for Medical Staff and Patients

The media and the government have created a Covid-19 fear panic, where even sniffle or slight body ache is feared to be Covid-19. This has translated into massive unnecessary ER visits, and with the over-hyped fear of symptomless Covid-19, enormous shortages of Covid-19 test kits have resulted. This has also resulted in massive shortages with...

Biden Administration Making Lists of Religious Vaccine Objectors, and Hiding the Facts With Fear

From the Daily Signal: A tiny administrative agency in the District of Columbia announced a new policy Tuesday that will likely serve as a model for a whole-of-government push to assemble lists of Americans who object on religious grounds to a COVID-19 vaccine. The Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia—a federal independent...

Military Documents About ‘Gain of Function’ Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath

From Project Veritas: The documents in question stem from a report at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA, which were hidden in a top secret shared drive. DARPA is an agency under the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of facilitating research in technology with potential military applications. Project Veritas has...

More Kids Are Dying From Vaccines Than From COVID-19, Nurse Testifies to Louisiana Lawmakers

Colette Martin, R.N., a practicing nurse for 17 years in Louisiana, testified to state lawmakers last month that her hospital is witnessing blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, encephalopathy and heart arrhythmia following COVID-19 vaccination, but staff are failing to report anything to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). “The majority of our nurses, nurse managers...