Bank Closures and the Convergence of Control

During the Pandemic of 2020 our movements and choices were highly restricted in the U.S. like never before. Select people were allowed to work after being deemed “Essential,” only certain stores were allowed to stay open, and only certain events were allowed to progress. Violent BLM riots were celebrated while churches in some areas were...

All Roads Lead to an ESG-Driven Great Reset World Where You Own Nothing, Not Even Your Own Money

The threat of the Great Reset has been looming for the past few years, and I have written about this in great length as a problem/solution primer you should really check out if you have not. The article is called "How the Covid-19 Pandemic is a Smokescreen For BlackRock’s Plan to Collapse...

Signal Still Knows Nothing About You, But Inexplicably the Government Continues to Ask

From Signal's blog: Because everything in Signal is end-to-end encrypted by default, the broad set of personal information that is typically easy to retrieve in other apps simply doesn’t exist on Signal’s servers. Once again, this subpoena requested a wide variety of information we don’t have, including the target’s name, address, correspondence, contacts,...

How the Covid-19 Pandemic is a Smokescreen For BlackRock’s Plan to Collapse the U.S. Economy With Help by the U.S. Federal Reserve and Force Worldwide Digital Currency

Most media and governments have been referring to "the Great Reset" without actually getting into what might be involved in this large expected transition. Some refer to it as a shift to solely digital transactions, while others refer to a societal evolution where private property owners (everything from phones to cars to housing) are owned...

Law Enforcement Uses Marketing Phone Data in End Run Around Search Warrants

Agencies’ growing use of purchased data without warrants raises new legal questions From the Wall Street Journal: Zero Hedge had more to say on this new privacy concern. But recently, these brokers have created products specifically for law enforcement. The products have "increasingly been used to screen airline passengers, find and track...

Your Internet Identity: How you are tracked by Google and Facebook

Rob Braxman is a fantastic online privacy and cybersecurity expert who has a ton of very informative videos on Youtube on how to protect yourself on the Internet and with your mobile devices. I promise you his videos are very much worth your time. How does Google and Facebook track you? Unless you have a full...

Pentagon Develops Microchip Detecting COVID-19 By Tracking Your Blood

From The Federalist: "Dr. Matt Hepburn, a retired infectious diseases physician in the army, is leading a Pentagon effort titled “Enabling Technologies” to develop treatments for diseases. Hepburn told CBS’ “60 Minutes” Sunday that his team, operating under The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, was instructed by the government to take “pandemics off...

Shoshana Zuboff: ‘Surveillance capitalism is an assault on human autonomy’

From "Shoshana Zuboff: ‘Surveillance capitalism is an assault on human autonomy’" Every time Zuboff speaks in public, she asks the audience: “What are the concerns that bring you here?” People call out words: privacy; dystopia; control; monopoly; manipulation; intrusion; exploitation; democracy; misinformation; fear; freedom; power; rebellion; slavery; resistance. Everywhere the words are virtually...

INSANITY: The U.S. Postal Service Is Spying On Americans Online

"The surveillance program, known as the Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP), centers around hired analysts who review social media accounts for “inflammatory” posts to share across government agencies, Yahoo News reported. “Analysts with the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) monitored significant activity regarding planned protests occurring internationally and domestically...