Australians Protest at Canberra Against Covid-19 Vaccine and Mask Mandates and to Restore the Australian Commonwealth

As Americans, we should wholeheartedly support any country and its people longing to be free from tyranny. Today, Turning Point Australia hosted what is described as an "Amazing Speech" given by Graham Hood at Protest Canberra, outside Old Parliament on Feb. 5th, 2022. This is not only a protest against the dictated...

FOX News Joins Major Fake News Networks (CNN, NBC, CBS) in Ignoring New ‘2000 Mules’ Movie Exposing the Evidence 2020 POTUS Election Was Stolen

The usually Conservative acceptable alternative to the wildly liberal bias networks of CNN and NBC, FOX News, has shown themselves to be just as untrustworthy and not deserving of trust of the public it has enjoyed for so long. Dinesh D'Souza's new movie "2000 Mules" highlights gathered evidence on...

Australian Vaccination-Risks Network (AVN) Gains Judicial Review Against Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) in Australian Federal Court Over Covid-19 Vaccines’ Injuries and Deaths

Today, Feb. 2, 2022, the Australian Vaccination-risks Network, Inc. (AVN) filed a Judicial Review case in the Federal Court of Australia of AVN vs. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) asking the court to order Dr Brendan Murphy, Secretary of the Department of Health, to keep his obligations to follow the...

The Covid-19 Vaccine Shell Game, the Defense Department, and the Damage to Our Military and National Security

The Damage Done The Department of Defense's own counterpart to VAERS is DMED, and a whistleblower released documents showing the widespread damage that the mandatory Covid-19 vaccine program has had on our military servicemen and women. The numbers of increased illnesses are truly shocking and sickening. In the past year,...

Covid-19: A Second Opinion Roundtable by Senator Ron Johnson Brings Light to the Medical Malpractice of Covid-19 Patients Orchestrated by Hospitals and Federal Agencies

On January 24, 2022 Senator Ron Johnson invited a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts to the U.S. Senate to provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what...

Embalmers Making Startling & Increasing Discoveries of Long, Fibrous Blood Clots Found in Veins of Deceased, Some Confirmed as Covid-19 Vaccinated

Board certified funeral director and embalmer, Richard Hirschman has made a startling discovery in the bodies of deceased people who have crossed his table. In the embalming process, the body is drained of all its blood to later be replaced with embalming fluid. However, this initial process of the blood draining has been reported to...

New York Nurse Whistleblower: Recordings Show Possible Botched Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine on Children: “Some People Got The Wrong One”

From Project Veritas: New York Nurse Whistleblower Recordings Show Possible Botched Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine on Children: ‘Some People Got the Wrong One ’ • Medical supervisor admits “some people got the wrong one.”. • Nursing staff told to “YouTube it” when asking how to mix the COVID-19 Vaccine • Nursing staff on video: “wrong mixture...

Planet Lockdown: a Revolutionary Call For the Return to Medical Freedom

This documentary is a definitive study on the Covid-19 pandemic and how it has been monopolized by government officials and pharmaceutical companies to create a medical subscription mandate for freedom, contingent on maintaining booster injection status. This film also makes the case for the return to freedoms stolen and perpetuated by fear. This heavily censored...

Covid-19 Vaccine Producers and Healthcare Agencies Continue to Conceal Their Corruption as the Deadly Physical Evidence Mounts

A handful of countries around the world are starting to wake up to the deadly dangers that the Covid-19 vaccines have been causing on their people, especially the most vulnerable among us like those with chronic health problems, the elderly, and children. The reports of heart problems and other various diseases have surfaced with many...