CHINESE PRESIDENT Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands in Beijing in 2017. Navon’s book addresses Israel’s complex relations in Asia and elsewhere (credit: ETIENNE OLIVEAU/POOL/REUTERS)

Israel adds Chinese RMB to Central Bank reserves for first time, cuts USD holdings

From the Jerusalem Post: The Bank of Israel has added four new currencies, including the Chinese yuan, or renminbi, to its holdings for the first time in the country’s history, Bloomberg reported last week. The central bank will also trim US dollar and euro holdings in a bid to diversify its foreign reserves, the...

China’s Nightmarish New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

"University of Wisconsin Scientists have made exogenous, naked DNA and injected it into veins for easy access into muscle cells for gene therapy. By combining this knowledge and particle-gun technology, we could create a microbullet out of a 1-um tungsten or gold ion, on whose surface plasmid DNA or naked DNA could be precipitated and...

How the Covid-19 Pandemic is a Smokescreen For BlackRock’s Plan to Collapse the U.S. Economy With Help by the U.S. Federal Reserve and Force Worldwide Digital Currency

Most media and governments have been referring to "the Great Reset" without actually getting into what might be involved in this large expected transition. Some refer to it as a shift to solely digital transactions, while others refer to a societal evolution where private property owners (everything from phones to cars to housing) are owned...

Hold the Line: Woke, Inc.

Hold The Line Presents: Woke, Inc. American business was once a reliable ally in the fight for small government but corporations today appear more interested in pushing the woke agenda than turning a profit. On this special edition of Hold The Line, Buck Sexton take a look at how American business went woke, and how...

How the Left Plans To Put Boots on the Ground to Subdue Middle America

Though many of these increasingly crime-ridden blue cities have fallen victim to the domestic terrorist groups of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, eventual they will target suburbia and the rural areas of MidAmerica. It is naive to think otherwise. We must put all our energies in securing our local areas; our law enforcement, our schools,...

The Naked Communist: 45 Communist Goals

On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.” These principles are well worth revisiting today in order to gain insights into the thinking and strategies of much of...

Yuri Bezmenov, a Warning to America

From the article "It’s time to rediscover KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov" by Ken Abramowitz from Jewish News Syndicate: In 1970, Yuri Bezmenov, a 31-year-old KGB officer specializing in propaganda, defected to Canada. Bezmenov (also known as Tomas Schuman) was sickened by the oppressive nature and toll of communist totalitarianism, and wanted to devote...

Color, Communism, and Common Sense

Listening to the words of former Communist Manning Johnson from 1959 about the NAACP and Communists sound as if these words were spoken today. The educational infiltration of communist views into the black community have resulted in the largest division along racial lines than we have seen since the 1960's. The decimation of the black...