China’s Nightmarish New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

"University of Wisconsin Scientists have made exogenous, naked DNA and injected it into veins for easy access into muscle cells for gene therapy. By combining this knowledge and particle-gun technology, we could create a microbullet out of a 1-um tungsten or gold ion, on whose surface plasmid DNA or naked DNA could be precipitated and...

U.S. Attorney General Garland’s Push for Critical Race Theory Into Our Schools, While Secretly Helping His Family’s Education Literature Business

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland accused parents standing up for honest, non-propagandized education in their child's school to be free from the corrosive Critical Race Theory to be considered in the same vein as 'domestic terrorists.' Garland directed the F.B.I. to mobilize against parents actively speaking out against CRT. This set a very frightful precedent...

Of School Board Meetings, CRT, Liars, Fools & Ideologues – AKA: ‘Education’

I went to our Francis Howell School Board meeting last night [in St.Louis, Missouri], and like many others who didn't show up an hour and a half before opening, I did not get the opportunity to speak (what I intended to say is posted below). But of those who got there early enough to get...

How the Left Plans To Put Boots on the Ground to Subdue Middle America

Though many of these increasingly crime-ridden blue cities have fallen victim to the domestic terrorist groups of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, eventual they will target suburbia and the rural areas of MidAmerica. It is naive to think otherwise. We must put all our energies in securing our local areas; our law enforcement, our schools,...

The Wokest Place on Earth

Disney mounts an internal campaign against “white privilege” and organizes racially- segregated “affinity groups.”

Investigative journalist, Christopher F. Rufo, has come out with an amazingly eye-opening article about leaked documents from Disney's corporate office, forcing its employees to undergo Critical Race Theory training with added encouragement upon its white employees. From "The Wokest Place...

Color, Communism, and Common Sense

Listening to the words of former Communist Manning Johnson from 1959 about the NAACP and Communists sound as if these words were spoken today. The educational infiltration of communist views into the black community have resulted in the largest division along racial lines than we have seen since the 1960's. The decimation of the black...

Critical Race Theory Trades Personal Responsibility for Tyranny

James Lindsey breaks down the theory that is Critical Race Theory very well in his article "Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism." In his article he first points out what Critical Race Theory is: believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction...