Lt. Col. Scheller Demands ‘Accountability’ From Joint Chiefs and Command Over Abandoning Afghanistan Base

Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller demands for accountability from Sec. of Defense after the botched removal from Afghanistan. From Fox News: The maverick Marine fired after he released a now-viral video slamming the U.S. military for botching the exit from Kabul issued a clear threat to...

COVID Shots Linked to 2 Million Injuries, 21,766 Deaths in Europe, EU Reports

From LifeSiteNews: The EnduraVigilance system is the EU-wide database for recording vaccine injury reports, as well as other medicine-induced injuries, corresponding to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), jointly run by both the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to a report in Health Impact News, a service that has provided tabulated versions...

Oxford University Study Exposes That Vaccinated People Carry 251 Times the COVID-19 Virus Load Than Unvaccinated

Some discussion among medical professionals and researchers is starting to surface showing that it is actually vaccinated people who are the 'superspreaders.' From the Defender: A groundbreaking preprint paper (PDF) by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, includes alarming findings devastating...

Florida University Discovers at Least 11 Dangerous Pathogens in Children’s Masks

The University of Florida tested six children's masks after they have been worn and the findings were quite startling. Jennifer Cabrera reported from the Alachua Chronicle: A group of local parents sent 6 face masks to a lab at the University of Florida, requesting an analysis of contaminants found on the masks after they had been...

Why Are ‘Industrial Hygienists’ Never Interviewed by the Media on Mask Effectiveness Against Covid-19?

Why hasn't the Media or any government administration had an Industrial Hygienist on their teams? Never heard of that title? Its not by accident. OSHA describes them as: Industrial hygiene has been defined as “that science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors...

The Elimination of the Covid-19 Control Group, and Unanswered Questions of Its Vaccines

This article is not about all the conspiracy theories floating out there, and there are a few. The attempt of this article is to offer a pragmatic look at the medical and research reports out there on the Covid-19 vaccines, their ingredients, and their reported and observed side effects and uses. Major media used to...

Government and Medical Professionals Seek to Scare the Poop Out of You (Again) Over Covid-19

So did you think the Covid-19 scare was over with the widespread availability of the vaccines, and the mask mandates would lighten up? Well, guess again. As many of you probably guessed the medical professionals and hospital money train of Covid-19 vaccines and the Media's scare-porn is at it again. This time the "so-called" Covid-19...

Increasing Numbers of Concerned Covid19 Vaccinated People Reporting Metal Objects Found in Area of the Shot

An increasing number of Covid-19 vaccinated people have been going to social media to share videos of their discovery that regular frig magnets have been sticking to their arms where they received the Covid-19 vaccination shot. Many are very concerned and cannot explain the reason for this effect. One person had used a metal detector...

Harry S. Truman’s Letter, Calls the Press ‘Prostitutes of the Mind’

Harry Truman to Dean Acheson: "We have men, in this day and age, who are prostitutes of the mind...They write what they do not believe for sale...they are much worse...than the street walking whore who sells her body..."

Harry S. Truman Autograph Letter Signed Regarding the Dishonest Media. Five pages, front only, 5.5" x 8.5", [Independence, Missouri];...