Expert Panel Discussion on COVID-19 and Medical Freedom

  Time: Friday, March 4th from 9 – 11AM Location: Capitol (East Wing Room – 8E-A) Livestream: Legislators Senator Doug Mastriano (Host) Senator Michelle Brooks (Chair of Senate Health and Human Services Committee) Representative Dawn Keefer Representative Rob Kauffman Others TBD Expert Panelists Peter McCullough MD, MPH – A worldwide leader in pandemic response with more than 600 publications in the National Library of Medicine and...

Poison Control Centers Warn About Toxic Chemical In At-Home COVID-19 Test Kits

From Zero Hedge: The Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center reported an uptick in accidental exposures to a possibly toxic substance in at-home COVID-19 test kits, according to a blog post. Meanwhile, the National Poison Control Center issued a warning about the chemical. “It is important to know that the extraction...

URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL CANADIANS: Nationwide Walkout Begins Feb 21st

It is the Duty of every freedom loving Canadian to peacefully resist the completely compromised and totalitarian government that has taken over our country. This isn't about vaxxed vs unvaxxed, as most of the people who were coerced into getting the injection feel like they have been duped. We The People must unite together and...

FDA Exec on Camera Reveals Future COVID Policy “Biden Wants To Inoculate As Many People As Possible”

From Project Veritas (Part 1): - FDA Executive Officer, Christopher Cole: “You’ll have to get an annual shot [COVID vaccine]. I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet ‘cause they don’t want to, like, rile everyone up.” - Cole on President Joe Biden: “Biden wants to inoculate as many people as possible.” - Cole on...

Canada’s Justin Trudeau Stoops to Tyrannical Thief of Money From the Freedom Convoy Truckers Protesters

From the Daily Wire: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act on Monday in an effort to crack down on protesters that have shut down parts of Ottawa and various border crossings with the U.S. Trudeau informed his cabinet and Canada’s premiers of his intent Monday morning. The prime minister’s announcement marks...

The Freedom Fighters, the Freedom Convoy and the Canadian Tyranny the Media Doesn’t Want You to See

Some have said over the years, if you want to see what the U.S. would look like if it was run by liberals just look at Canada. It is true that Canada has been further done the road to tyranny than that of the U.S., but when you look at states like California and New...

Australians Protest at Canberra Against Covid-19 Vaccine and Mask Mandates and to Restore the Australian Commonwealth

As Americans, we should wholeheartedly support any country and its people longing to be free from tyranny. Today, Turning Point Australia hosted what is described as an "Amazing Speech" given by Graham Hood at Protest Canberra, outside Old Parliament on Feb. 5th, 2022. This is not only a protest against the dictated...

FOX News Joins Major Fake News Networks (CNN, NBC, CBS) in Ignoring New ‘2000 Mules’ Movie Exposing the Evidence 2020 POTUS Election Was Stolen

The usually Conservative acceptable alternative to the wildly liberal bias networks of CNN and NBC, FOX News, has shown themselves to be just as untrustworthy and not deserving of trust of the public it has enjoyed for so long. Dinesh D'Souza's new movie "2000 Mules" highlights gathered evidence on...

Australian Vaccination-Risks Network (AVN) Gains Judicial Review Against Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) in Australian Federal Court Over Covid-19 Vaccines’ Injuries and Deaths

Today, Feb. 2, 2022, the Australian Vaccination-risks Network, Inc. (AVN) filed a Judicial Review case in the Federal Court of Australia of AVN vs. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) asking the court to order Dr Brendan Murphy, Secretary of the Department of Health, to keep his obligations to follow the...