Bank Closures and the Convergence of Control

During the Pandemic of 2020 our movements and choices were highly restricted in the U.S. like never before. Select people were allowed to work after being deemed “Essential,” only certain stores were allowed to stay open, and only certain events were allowed to progress. Violent BLM riots were celebrated while churches in some areas were...

‘Genetically Engineered’ Food and the Effort to Hide What You Eat

Shortly after Covid-19 made its way onto the shores of the U.S., development of vaccines was accomplished in lightening speed. We have learned that this was done by skipping the ever-important long term human trials. Those who refused to blindly stand in line for the Covid-19 vaccines became a Control Group against the effects of...

Pfizer Executive: ‘Mutate’ COVID via ‘Directed Evolution’ for Company to Continue Profiting Off of Vaccines … ‘COVID is Going to be a Cash Cow for Us’ … ‘That is Not What We Say to the Public’ … ‘People Won’t Like That’ … ‘Don’t Tell Anyone’

Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations - mRNA Scientific Planner: “One of the things we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create -- preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we're gonna do that though, there's a...

Australian Doctors Confirm Graphene-Oxide Found in Covid-19 Vaccines Providing the Ability of Making Humans “Hackable”

Despite the appearance of the releasing of Covid-19 mandates and restrictions, it does not mean our freedoms are now secure. We are still in danger from a world of elites wanting to tighten surveillance around all of us. Fortunately, the study of the Covid-19 vaccines has not ceased worldwide. August of 2021 I deeply researched and...

Expert Panel Discussion on COVID-19 and Medical Freedom

  Time: Friday, March 4th from 9 – 11AM Location: Capitol (East Wing Room – 8E-A) Livestream: Legislators Senator Doug Mastriano (Host) Senator Michelle Brooks (Chair of Senate Health and Human Services Committee) Representative Dawn Keefer Representative Rob Kauffman Others TBD Expert Panelists Peter McCullough MD, MPH – A worldwide leader in pandemic response with more than 600 publications in the National Library of Medicine and...

Poison Control Centers Warn About Toxic Chemical In At-Home COVID-19 Test Kits

From Zero Hedge: The Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center reported an uptick in accidental exposures to a possibly toxic substance in at-home COVID-19 test kits, according to a blog post. Meanwhile, the National Poison Control Center issued a warning about the chemical. “It is important to know that the extraction...

URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL CANADIANS: Nationwide Walkout Begins Feb 21st

It is the Duty of every freedom loving Canadian to peacefully resist the completely compromised and totalitarian government that has taken over our country. This isn't about vaxxed vs unvaxxed, as most of the people who were coerced into getting the injection feel like they have been duped. We The People must unite together and...

FDA Exec on Camera Reveals Future COVID Policy “Biden Wants To Inoculate As Many People As Possible”

From Project Veritas (Part 1): - FDA Executive Officer, Christopher Cole: “You’ll have to get an annual shot [COVID vaccine]. I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet ‘cause they don’t want to, like, rile everyone up.” - Cole on President Joe Biden: “Biden wants to inoculate as many people as possible.” - Cole on...

The Freedom Fighters, the Freedom Convoy and the Canadian Tyranny the Media Doesn’t Want You to See

Some have said over the years, if you want to see what the U.S. would look like if it was run by liberals just look at Canada. It is true that Canada has been further done the road to tyranny than that of the U.S., but when you look at states like California and New...

Australians Protest at Canberra Against Covid-19 Vaccine and Mask Mandates and to Restore the Australian Commonwealth

As Americans, we should wholeheartedly support any country and its people longing to be free from tyranny. Today, Turning Point Australia hosted what is described as an "Amazing Speech" given by Graham Hood at Protest Canberra, outside Old Parliament on Feb. 5th, 2022. This is not only a protest against the dictated...

FOX News Joins Major Fake News Networks (CNN, NBC, CBS) in Ignoring New ‘2000 Mules’ Movie Exposing the Evidence 2020 POTUS Election Was Stolen

The usually Conservative acceptable alternative to the wildly liberal bias networks of CNN and NBC, FOX News, has shown themselves to be just as untrustworthy and not deserving of trust of the public it has enjoyed for so long. Dinesh D'Souza's new movie "2000 Mules" highlights gathered evidence on...

Australian Vaccination-Risks Network (AVN) Gains Judicial Review Against Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) in Australian Federal Court Over Covid-19 Vaccines’ Injuries and Deaths

Today, Feb. 2, 2022, the Australian Vaccination-risks Network, Inc. (AVN) filed a Judicial Review case in the Federal Court of Australia of AVN vs. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) asking the court to order Dr Brendan Murphy, Secretary of the Department of Health, to keep his obligations to follow the...

The Covid-19 Vaccine Shell Game, the Defense Department, and the Damage to Our Military and National Security

The Damage Done The Department of Defense's own counterpart to VAERS is DMED, and a whistleblower released documents showing the widespread damage that the mandatory Covid-19 vaccine program has had on our military servicemen and women. The numbers of increased illnesses are truly shocking and sickening. In the past year,...

Covid-19: A Second Opinion Roundtable by Senator Ron Johnson Brings Light to the Medical Malpractice of Covid-19 Patients Orchestrated by Hospitals and Federal Agencies

On January 24, 2022 Senator Ron Johnson invited a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts to the U.S. Senate to provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what...

Embalmers Making Startling & Increasing Discoveries of Long, Fibrous Blood Clots Found in Veins of Deceased, Some Confirmed as Covid-19 Vaccinated

Board certified funeral director and embalmer, Richard Hirschman has made a startling discovery in the bodies of deceased people who have crossed his table. In the embalming process, the body is drained of all its blood to later be replaced with embalming fluid. However, this initial process of the blood draining has been reported to...

New York Nurse Whistleblower: Recordings Show Possible Botched Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine on Children: “Some People Got The Wrong One”

From Project Veritas: New York Nurse Whistleblower Recordings Show Possible Botched Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine on Children: ‘Some People Got the Wrong One ’ • Medical supervisor admits “some people got the wrong one.”. • Nursing staff told to “YouTube it” when asking how to mix the COVID-19 Vaccine • Nursing staff on video: “wrong mixture...

Planet Lockdown: a Revolutionary Call For the Return to Medical Freedom

This documentary is a definitive study on the Covid-19 pandemic and how it has been monopolized by government officials and pharmaceutical companies to create a medical subscription mandate for freedom, contingent on maintaining booster injection status. This film also makes the case for the return to freedoms stolen and perpetuated by fear. This heavily censored...

Covid-19 Vaccine Producers and Healthcare Agencies Continue to Conceal Their Corruption as the Deadly Physical Evidence Mounts

A handful of countries around the world are starting to wake up to the deadly dangers that the Covid-19 vaccines have been causing on their people, especially the most vulnerable among us like those with chronic health problems, the elderly, and children. The reports of heart problems and other various diseases have surfaced with many...

New Zealand and Other Countries Set to Continue ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ With Their Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates, Ignoring Criminal Investigation in Hammersmith UK

As the Covid-19 vaccine criminal investigation in the Hammersmith community of London in the UK continues to gain traction, other countries are doubling down on the Covid-19 vaccine mandates ignoring the cries by thousands that the vaccines are dangerous. One such country instituting these heavy mandates which involve the imprisoning of the...

DARPA Papers Prove Covid19 Virus is a Bioweapon and Fauci and Others From Eco Health Alliance Made Millions of Dollars

Karen Kingston reviews the DARPA documents and follows the money and proving Fauci lied about the transmissibility of Covid-19, and has funded millions into gain-of-function research. Fauci has also worked with Dr. Peter Daszak with the a project called "Defuse." Information on that project can be found at: These leaked...

Hammersmith, London, UK CID Begins Criminal Investigation into Covid19 Vaccines With ‘Crimes Against Humanity,’ ICC in Hague Watching Closely

A few days ago a story broke that Hammersmith, London in the UK is launching a criminal investigation into the Covid-19 vaccines. The following video has Officer Steve Winn being informed of the launching of the investigation and given the directive to begin closing down Covid-19 vaccine center around Hammersmith, according to Sec. 3 of...

COVID Shots Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease in Young People, With Links to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and ALS Disease – Dr. Stephanie Seneff

Laura Ingraham interviews MIT Dr. Stephanie Seneff on FOX News about the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccines on young people and the longterm effects of the spike proteins leading to neurological diseases. From Red Voice Media: Senior Research Scientist at MIT, Stephanie Seneff, not only warned about the potential side effects of giving...

Military Documents About ‘Gain of Function’ Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath

From Project Veritas: The documents in question stem from a report at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA, which were hidden in a top secret shared drive. DARPA is an agency under the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of facilitating research in technology with potential military applications. Project Veritas has...

More Kids Are Dying From Vaccines Than From COVID-19, Nurse Testifies to Louisiana Lawmakers

Colette Martin, R.N., a practicing nurse for 17 years in Louisiana, testified to state lawmakers last month that her hospital is witnessing blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, encephalopathy and heart arrhythmia following COVID-19 vaccination, but staff are failing to report anything to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). “The majority of our nurses, nurse managers...

Covid-19 Vaccines are Responsible for Autoimmune and Heart Problems in Healthy People With Side Effects Up to and Including Death

Countless people who have taken the Covid-19 vaccines have been experiencing autoimmune issues making them more vulnerable to viruses like the common cold. Also, the vaccines have been damaging the health of very healthy people including professional athletes. Despite the pro-vaccines propaganda from the governments and media, the dangers of these vaccines are no joke,...

Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C. to Crimes Against Humanity – CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci are No Shows

From Health Impact News: U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has consistently been the only member of the federal government who has dared to expose the crimes being committed by Big Pharma through the government COVID response. In 2020 Senator Johnson held meetings in Washington D.C. exposing the criminal activities of Big Pharma and federal health...

China’s Nightmarish New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

"University of Wisconsin Scientists have made exogenous, naked DNA and injected it into veins for easy access into muscle cells for gene therapy. By combining this knowledge and particle-gun technology, we could create a microbullet out of a 1-um tungsten or gold ion, on whose surface plasmid DNA or naked DNA could be precipitated and...

Faceless ‘Catholic Robot’ Designed to Help People Pray Put on Display in Polish Church

This is clearly a gateway to AI religious leaders. This should frighten every Christian. From Life Site News: A short British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) documentary published last Saturday shows people of different religions, and in various parts of the world, interacting with robots or computer programs designed to deliver sermons, give...

United Airlines Pilot Leads COVID Revolt, Files Medical Freedom Lawsuit With 2,000 Fellow Workers

John-Henry Westen interviews Capt. Sherry Walker, published on the Life Site News: Captain Sherry Walker, a 30-year pilot, is the co-founder of Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF), started up to represent and support nearly 4000 airline industry workers to push back COVID jab mandates in their workplace. LifeSite has launched a LifeFunder...

Shocking Audio Tapes Prove Hospitals are Actively Mistreating Sick COVID Patients

The John-Henry Westen Show presents shocking audio of doctors mistreating and refusing Ivermectin to Covid-19 patients, despite the families' demands. From Life Site News: ENHANCED AUDIO. Hear the explosive audio recordings of doctors and hospital administrators denying COVID patients visitors, doctor-prescribed ivermectin, and even nutrition and hydration.

Louisiana High School Caught Injecting Children with COVID-19 Shots Without Parental Knowledge – One Mom Sues

Watch out for this kind of bypassing of parental rights of the health of their children, as the Biden Admin begins to push out the Covid-19 Vaccines into the arms of children 5 to 11. From Health Impact News: East Jefferson High School in Kenner, Louisiana, has been caught injecting children with COVID-19 shots...

How the Covid-19 Pandemic is a Smokescreen For BlackRock’s Plan to Collapse the U.S. Economy With Help by the U.S. Federal Reserve and Force Worldwide Digital Currency

Most media and governments have been referring to "the Great Reset" without actually getting into what might be involved in this large expected transition. Some refer to it as a shift to solely digital transactions, while others refer to a societal evolution where private property owners (everything from phones to cars to housing) are owned...

Video Emerges of Man Dying in Front of Hospital that Refuses to Open their Door – Foretaste of What Awaits Americans in Weeks Ahead?

From Health Impact News: A video has emerged from apparently a Spanish-speaking country where family members try desperately to revive a man who is part of their family in front of a door to what appears to be some kind of emergency room in a hospital or clinic. A security guard and some people...

Have you Lost Your Job for Refusing the COVID Shot? You are NOT Alone!

From Health Impact News: Many brave men and women are losing their jobs today because they refuse to comply with immoral mandates to let others control their bodies and their health. Politicians and the judicial system are serving their masters on Wall Street in allowing this to happen, but there is still a latent...

A Comparison of Official Government Reports Suggest the Fully Vaccinated are Developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Much Faster Than Anticipated, While Facebook and Instagram Censors the Facts

From the Expose UK: Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid -19 cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-79 year olds have lost 44% of their immune system capability. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 3.8% and 9.1%). If this continues then 30-59 year olds will have zero...

Covid19 Vaccinated Deaths Increase Worldwide as Mandates by Countries and Companies Increase With Shots or Dangerous PCR Swap Testing

Evidence Clearly Shows Deaths are Increasing Worldwide After COVID-19 Shots

Deaths are increasing with children and the vaccinated around the world as many countries and companies double down on madatory vaccinations.

COVID Nasal Swabs Examined by Scientists Reveal DANGER

From Principia Scientific: In a follow up to our December article that PCR swabs may be...

JUSTICE DENIED! Supreme Court Again Upholds COVID Vaccine Mandates – U.S. Veterans Prepare for War – U.S. Soldiers Speak Out: “America Is Under Attack, Prepare Yourself Now”

From Life Impact News: For the third time this year, the U.S. Supreme Court has denied a motion to halt mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, this time declining to block a vaccine requirement imposed on Maine health care workers. The Associated Press reports: The U.S. Supreme Court declined Tuesday to block a vaccine requirement imposed...

Israeli Ministry of Health Deleted Thousands of covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Testimonies From Website

This video details on how Israel citizens weren't given a place to post adverse events, so there were none. When they finally posted a link, the Israeli Ministry of Health was overwhelmed with postings. So the government started DELETING THE POSTS so the vaccine would not look as deadly. The people responded by re-posting their...

DHS Insider Who Exposed ‘Reasonable Fear’ Migrant Asylum Loophole Goes PUBLIC

From Project Veritas: Aaron Stevenson, DHS Insider and Intelligence Research Specialist for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: “An email sent out by the Director of USCIS, which notified us about a rule change coming forward, is going to shift the adjudicative authority of defensive asylum away from immigration judges and giving it...

BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Whistleblower Says Vaccine ‘Glows,’ Contains Toxic Luciferase, Graphene Oxide Compounds

Melissa Strickler, a Christian, tells Jim Hale in an exclusive LifeSite interview that Pfizer's jab includes toxic chemicals, after having just been fired by Pfizer. Donate to help her at From Life Site News: Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine vials glow fluorescent blue and contain an enzyme called Luciferase, a quality inspector for the drug...

Bring the Comedy and the Constitution Tour to Your Community

Looking for alternatives to the morally bankrupt choices on Netflix for your family and your kids? Here is one alternative to a night out at the theater. Check out the Comedy & Constitution Tour. From the Patriot Academy: Freedom is not a boring subject…especially when comedian Brad Stine is in the mix! This one...

Spanish Court Rules That Covid’s a Hoax and Orders Government To Come Clean and Admit the Truth

Ministry of Health in Spain Admits That Their Court Ruled That the Covid-19 Virus Has Never Been Isolated or Confirmed by a Viral Culture

THIS IS BIG! From SonofEnos: When push came to shove, the Spanish government was forced to confess that the Covid "Virus" has never been isolated, so the court ruled that...

Pilots Issue Warning Against Vaxx Mandates: “We have all the Control – Aircraft Will Stop Moving”

From Health Impact New: Pilot Joshua Yoder, who is the co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers that recently produced a video that we published, appeared as a guest on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox this week. He made sure to explain that he and his group would never endorse a strike or "sick out"...

Canadian ER Doctor: At Least 80% of Patients Double Vaxxed – Quits Job Over Vaccine Mandate

From Health Impact News: Gary Sims is the President and CEO of Grey Bruce Health Services Hospital in Ontario, Canada. In August they had an online “Town Hall” meeting regarding staff and mandatory vaccinations. Mr. Sims was bemoaning the fact that the unvaccinated were filling the hospitals, and that this Fall they were going...

Covid-19 Vaccines Victims Are Beginning to Be Heard From the UK, Australia, and Israel As the Numbers of Side Effects and Deaths Pile Up

The UK, Australia, and Israel have been some of the most vaccinated countries on the earth. Unfortunately, many stories are surfacing of the severe and even deathly results of taking the Covid-19 vaccines. These sad stories are heart wrenching but these voices need to be heard and shared. --- The damage done to those who have taken...

‘8 Principles of God’s Loving Provision For His People,’ a Sermon by Pastor Paul Scheperle of Lifestream Church

As Christians we are facing challenging times today where we must pray and lean on the Lord for strength, maybe in ways we have never had to before. I came across a very inspiring sermon message by Pastor Paul Scheperle of Lifestream Church in Washington, Missouri. With what is facing our countries...

U.S. Attorney General Garland’s Push for Critical Race Theory Into Our Schools, While Secretly Helping His Family’s Education Literature Business

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland accused parents standing up for honest, non-propagandized education in their child's school to be free from the corrosive Critical Race Theory to be considered in the same vein as 'domestic terrorists.' Garland directed the F.B.I. to mobilize against parents actively speaking out against CRT. This set a very frightful precedent...

“Spartacus Letter” Warns of the Covid-19 Vaccines and How We Must All Resist the Tyranny Of Passports and Mandates

A very inspiring letter has surfaced by an author who refers to himself as Spartacus, known as the "Spartacus Letter." Here is an excerpt from that letter: The vaccines for COVID-19 are not sterilizing and do not prevent infection or transmission. They are “leaky” vaccines. This means they remove the evolutionary pressure on...

Thousands of Physicians in Rome, Italy Issue the ‘Rome Declaration’ Against the Covid-19 Vaccines at Summit

This is the Rome Declaration from the Physicians Declaration Global Covid Summit - Rome, Italy. If you are a healthcare provider, PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION! International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists - September, 2021 We the physicians of the world, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the profession of medicine as we know it is...

Pfizer Whistleblower LEAKS Execs Emails EXPOSING Suppression of Covid Vax Info From Public

Pfizer Whistleblower LEAKS Execs Emails EXPOSING Suppression of Covid Vax Info From Public

A new video from Project Veritas dropped with a Pfizer whistleblower exposing Covid-19 vaccine info being suppressed from the public: Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer Insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives...

Dr. Michael McDowell Warns Covid-19 Was Engineered and the Vaccines are Causing “Death Spirals” Around the World

Dr. Michael McDowell lays out the evidence that Covid-19 (SARS-Covid2) was not only engineered with assistance by labs in the U.S., but also funded jointly by China and the U.S. He also described on how the genetically-altering  Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous and causing frightening "death spirals" in countries like Trinidad and Tobago. The data from...

Dr. Nathan Thompson Shows Covid-19 Vaccines Causing Autoimmune Damage in Patient After Antibodies Testing

Dr. Nathan Thompson tested the antibodies of a patient before and after getting the Covid-19 Vaccine and shows how the shot resulting in severely damaging his patient's immune system. He follows with the question, is this is breakout variants we see, people getting sick because the immune system is gone? From his video: Please...

Dr. Ardis interviews Dr. Simone Gold, MD – Founder of America’s Frontline Doctors

MUST WATCH!!! Dr. Gold gives breaking news about legal actions being taken to protect US Military personnel from the effects of the jab. The data presented is concerning, if not shocking! Everyone should understand this information in an effort to help Dr. Gold, America's Front Line Doctors and Dr. Ardis save lives! Dr....

The Secret Battle of Women, Fertility, and the Covid-19 Vaccines

There is a secret battle going on behind the shadows of Covid-19 and the vaccine push, and women and children are at the forefront. So many aspects to the Covid-19 vaccines have been under reported, mis-reported, or have been outright lies presented by the Media, government officials, and sadly even doctors who should know better....

BioTech Whistleblower, Kieran Morrissey, Warns of Marburg Virus Vaccine Being Fast-Tracked For New Pandemic

Kieran Morrissey is an Engineer with a degree in Industrial Chemistry who has worked the past 22 yrs at a major teaching hospital in Dublin, Ireland, and gained a great deal of experience with the Irish healthcare system. Morrissey's research discovered a medical research report called New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and...

JD Farag Receives Stories of People Suffering From Being Near Those With the Covid-19 Vaccines

Pastor JD Farag has received hundreds of letters on how God has had a direct effect some peoples' lives in a group of videos called "But God." While reading some of those letter he also read some letter from people who have had serious side effects from taking the Covid-19 vaccines. Here...

Johnson & Johnson: ‘Kids Shouldn’t Get A F*cking [COVID] Vaccine;’ There are “Unknown Repercussions”

Want to ‘Punish’ Unvaccinated Adults and Turn Them Into ‘Second-Grade Citizens’ for Not Complying with Mandates

From Project Veritas: [NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. – Sept. 27, 2021] Project Veritas released the third video of its COVID vaccine investigative series today exposing two Johnson & Johnson [J&J] officials, who argue children do not need to take...

Albert Spence, Pulmonary Nurse of 31 Years, Blows Whistle on Manipulation of Covid-19 PCR Tests Resulting in Patients’ Deaths

It is the frontline healthcare workers we should be listening to who dealt with Covid-19 patients whom hospitals, the Media, and local governments are trying to silence. Albert Spence is one of those healthcare workers, a pulmonary nurse with 31 years experience who said "he just can't do it anymore" and quit his job. In...

Professor Thomas Borody Finds Great Success With Ivermectin, Doxycycline and Zinc in Treating Covid-19

Professor Thomas Borody, is famous for curing peptic ulcers using a triple antibiotic therapy saving millions of lives, today released the COVID-19 treatment protocol to Australian GPs, who can legally prescribe it to their COVID-19 positive patients. They can also prescribe it as a preventative medication. Borody says this could be the fastest and safest...

Dr. Jessica Rose Compares VAERS Covid-19 Vaccine Data to Previous Vaccines

JP Kiekens of had a great interview with Dr. Jessica Rose. The interview covers the question of the magnitude of adverse effects, as compared to previous vaccination programs; the issue of under-reporting, which is considerable; the question of causality between an adverse event and an injection and the extent to which causality...

Interview With Dr. Peter McCullough, COVID-19 Vaccines Now Have the Highest Death Rate of Any Vaccines in History

Dr. Peter McCullough is a huge wealth of information on Covid-19, the vaccines, very effective alternative treatments, and preventatives in staying off Covid-19. The interview of Dr. Peter McCullough ( by Peter Breggin, MD is very much worth your time. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH is the best source of...

PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated

From Project Veritas: Lee said that U.S. Government policy could emulate Nazi Germany when it comes to the COVID vaccine. “Census goes door-to-door if you don’t respond. So, we have the infrastructure to do it [forced COVID vaccinations]. I mean, it’ll cost a ton of money. But I think, at that point, I think...

Dr. Ryan Cole of White Coat Summit Asks ‘Where are the Covid-19 Vaccinated Autopsies?’

Dr. Ryan Cole, MD gives a scientific clarification of what these injections do in the head and other organs of the vaccinated people at the America's Frontline Doctors White Coat Summit. Dr. Cole asks the very poignant question, "where are all the Covid-19 autopsies?" If we are indeed following the science, than why...

Whistleblower Deborah Conrad, Senior PA-C, Describes the Pushback From Her Hospital on Reporting Covid19 Vaccines’ Side Effect to VAERS

EPISODE 233: VAERS SCANDAL  from the HighWire - Whistleblower Deborah Conrad Interview w Del Bigtree 17th Sept; VAERS set up to make reporting almost impossible, conflicts of interest. Deborah Conrad a respected senior PA-C and integral member of the hospital patient recovery team. She early on noticed more adverse events were happening,...

Dr. Bryan Ardis With the Most Stunning TRUTH About Covid Fauci & Remdesivir You Could Never Imagine

Dr. Bryan Ardis has an excellent video describing how Remdesivir is being prescribed by the FDA for Covid-19 but is not approved by the FDA. Adverse effects: 1. Increased hepatic enzymes (evidence of liver damage) 2. Diarrhea (body rejecting it), rash (body trying to sweat out drug or allergic reaction to Remdesivir) 3. Renal impairment (kidneys are shutting...

PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t”

From Project Veritas: Co-worker of a federal nurse dies after reluctantly takes the Covid-19 vaccine. Jodi O’Malley, Insider and Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The COVID vaccine is “not doing what it’s purpose was.” O’Malley explained this conversation in detail during her interview with O’Keefe: James O’Keefe, Project Veritas founder: “In...

Baby Shaking Uncontrollably After Mother Forced to be Vaccinated Before Delivery

From someone in the UK (H/T: Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It) ———————————— “My niece had her second child last month and throughout her pregnancy she resisted being vaccinated. A month before...

John Stokes Becomes Another Covid-19 Vaccine VICTIM After Being Stricken With Myocarditis Just 4 Days After Shot

John Stokes, NCAA student golfer at Tennessee State University now suffering from heart disease only 4 days after getting the Covid-19 vaccine. From his bed he gives a message to everyone about his condition. In addition to being unable to compete in his senior year in golf, he was also bribed to silence him about...

BOMBSHELL: FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing and Harming People!

The FDA held a Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting on September 17, 2021 to discuss authorizing a third Pfizer COVID-19 "booster shot." Surprisingly, the FDA allowed dissenting doctors to comment during the open session. The committee voted 16 to 2 AGAINST recommending the booster shots, and some doctors gave stunning testimony on just how dangerous the already approved...

FAA Hides Biden’s U.S. Southern Border Failures by Shutting Down Drone Air Space

FOX News correspondent Bill Melugin and his crew showed the massive failure of the Biden Administration in harnessing any kind of control at the southern U.S. border by capture images and drone video of several thousand illegal aliens hoping to slip into the U.S. by any means possible. Suspiciously, after 7 months of FOX News'...

Law Enforcement Uses Marketing Phone Data in End Run Around Search Warrants

Agencies’ growing use of purchased data without warrants raises new legal questions From the Wall Street Journal: Zero Hedge had more to say on this new privacy concern. But recently, these brokers have created products specifically for law enforcement. The products have "increasingly been used to screen airline passengers, find and track...

U.S. Hospitals Caught Boldly Lying About Their Covid-19 Patients in Effort to Create More Fear and Money

Stories are beginning to leak out from U.S. hospitals caught lying and misrepresenting their Covid-19 patient numbers in an effort to scare the public rather than being completely honest if their facilities are overrun with Covid-19 patients or not. Josh Snider who worked at Missouri Baptist Medical Center or “MBMC” in St.Louis,...

Pacific Gateway Hotel in Richmond, Vancouver, Canada Lies About Being a Covid-19 Quarantine Facility Then Calls Police

Pacific Gateway Hotel lies about being a Covid-19 quarantine facility. This conspiracy was investigated by Dan Dicks from Pressed For Truth based on a social media posting by a woman who claimed to have escaped from this Covid-19 quarantine facility. During Dan's investigation we was not told he and...

How Long Before Covid-19 Vaccine Digital Certificates, RFID Chips, and the ‘Vaccine Economy’ Bring the Mark-of-the-Beast System?

Pastor JD Farag gave a sermon last week entitled "Prophecy Update 2021-09-05 - Can't See the Forest for the Trees." In a segment of that sermon he gave an excellent description of how the components of blockchain technology (as used in cryptocurrency), the WHO's latest guidelines for Covid-19 vaccination status digital certificates,...

Are We on the Verge of the End of Days and Jesus Christ’s Return?

The past few years have seen an increasing amount of unprecedented events happening throughout the world, from weather to social unrest to natural disasters. Environmentalist are quick to blame Climate Change in an effort to push their carbon credit system and gain more control over the populations' lives. However, Climate Change does not and cannot...

U.S. Military Members Reporting Reactions and Death From Covid-19 Vaccines, Nurses Tell Why They Refuse to Get Vaccinated

Wildly disturbing numbers of U.S. military servicemen and women have been reporting severe side effects and allergic reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines. Some of those service members which have had these severe and fatal reactions are as follows, courtesy of The Empowerer: Brooke is an active duty military member...

Pfizer’s Twice-Daily Pill Subscription and the Covid-19 Virus That Wasn’t There

Pfizer now has a twice-daily Covid-19 pill in late stage testing which they are so excited to start pushing down people's throats, that they have started production of the pills before the end of clinical trials. From their Press Release on the new clinical trial: The randomized, double-blind trial will enroll approximately 1,140...

Lt. Col. Scheller Demands ‘Accountability’ From Joint Chiefs and Command Over Abandoning Afghanistan Base

Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller demands for accountability from Sec. of Defense after the botched removal from Afghanistan. From Fox News: The maverick Marine fired after he released a now-viral video slamming the U.S. military for botching the exit from Kabul issued a clear threat to...

COVID Shots Linked to 2 Million Injuries, 21,766 Deaths in Europe, EU Reports

From LifeSiteNews: The EnduraVigilance system is the EU-wide database for recording vaccine injury reports, as well as other medicine-induced injuries, corresponding to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), jointly run by both the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to a report in Health Impact News, a service that has provided tabulated versions...

Why Are ‘Industrial Hygienists’ Never Interviewed by the Media on Mask Effectiveness Against Covid-19?

Why hasn't the Media or any government administration had an Industrial Hygienist on their teams? Never heard of that title? Its not by accident. OSHA describes them as: Industrial hygiene has been defined as “that science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors...

Increasing Numbers of Concerned Covid19 Vaccinated People Reporting Metal Objects Found in Area of the Shot

An increasing number of Covid-19 vaccinated people have been going to social media to share videos of their discovery that regular frig magnets have been sticking to their arms where they received the Covid-19 vaccination shot. Many are very concerned and cannot explain the reason for this effect. One person had used a metal detector...

Tucker Carlson & Alex Newman Interview Dr. Peter McCullough on a Worldwide Conspiracy to Suppress Existing Drugs that Effectively Treat COVID Patients in Favor of “Vaccines”

Dr. Peter McCullough is interviewed by Tucker Carlson and Senior Editor Alex Newman from New American Magazine exposes the one-sided treatment of dealing with Covid-19, where everyone talks about taking the vaccines but never on all the other treatments available. Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on Worldwide Conspiracy to Suppress Existing Drugs that Effectively Treat...

Mexican Drug Cartels Make More Money From Human Trafficking Than From Drugs

The Biden Administration and the BigMedia have done their best to hide the fact that the southern U.S. border is in a full blown crisis of historic proportions. According to estimates from Customs & Border Protection, human traffickers have raked in a total of $411.5 million in February shuffling people from Mexico and Central America...

Your Internet Identity: How you are tracked by Google and Facebook

Rob Braxman is a fantastic online privacy and cybersecurity expert who has a ton of very informative videos on Youtube on how to protect yourself on the Internet and with your mobile devices. I promise you his videos are very much worth your time. How does Google and Facebook track you? Unless you have a full...

Covid-19 numbers are down, vaccines are out yet churches are continued to be locked down

The attack of the freedoms of people wanting to practice their faith is increasingly getting worse in countries around the world like the UK & Ireland. This same trend is also spreading closer to home like Canada and even California. If people do not stand up to this forced attack on Christian worship services now,...

Yuri Bezmenov, a Warning to America

From the article "It’s time to rediscover KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov" by Ken Abramowitz from Jewish News Syndicate: In 1970, Yuri Bezmenov, a 31-year-old KGB officer specializing in propaganda, defected to Canada. Bezmenov (also known as Tomas Schuman) was sickened by the oppressive nature and toll of communist totalitarianism, and wanted to devote...

Color, Communism, and Common Sense

Listening to the words of former Communist Manning Johnson from 1959 about the NAACP and Communists sound as if these words were spoken today. The educational infiltration of communist views into the black community have resulted in the largest division along racial lines than we have seen since the 1960's. The decimation of the black...

Critical Race Theory Trades Personal Responsibility for Tyranny

James Lindsey breaks down the theory that is Critical Race Theory very well in his article "Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism." In his article he first points out what Critical Race Theory is: believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction...

Constitution 101 by Hillsdale College

Constitution 101 | Lecture 1 Learn the meaning of the Constitution and the principles of American government in this new version of Hillsdale's most popular course. Visit to begin your course today. The form of government prescribed by the Constitution is based on the timeless principles of the Declaration of Independence. These two...